

Marostica is a little fourteenth century town in the hills of the Vicenza piedmont area, a gem built in stone that has always held a fascination for visitors, with two castles and a circuit of curtain walls and towers that slope down to embrace the plain. Marostica boasts ancient neighbourhoods, Baroque churches, chapels, monasteries, hermitages, noble buildings, historical dwellings and Art Nouveau villas, all surrounded by lush emerald greenery, with dozens of trails winding their way through cherry and olive trees and spontaneous woodland, or alongside crystal-clear streams that are home to egrets and herons. A glorious, epic past meets an equally legendary present, with the famous Human Chess Game, an event that has no equal worldwide, an intellectual duel that makes Marostica a land of peace and love.


Mediaeval Marostica - 11:00 am (booking required, with a minimum number of participants)
A route that explores the Castles and the fourteenth-century Walls of Marostica, moving through the fortifications of the town and taking in towers, churches, oratories, convents and mediaeval dwellings.

Price: €12 adults / €8 children (aged up to 14).
Duration: 2 hours.

Sports clothing recommended.
Departs from the entrance of the Lower Castle. In the event of poor weather, the tour will be replaced by a guided visit to the Lower Castle.
Info and bookings: Associazione Pro Marostica Ph. 042472127

Inside and Outside the Walls - 4:00 pm (booking required, with a minimum number of participants)
Guided walk taking in Piazza Castello, Borgo Pieve and Borgo S. Sebastiano, ending with a tasting session and offering the chance to discover the history and beauty of the lesser-known areas of Marostica, with its legends, traditions and flavours.

Price: €14 adults / €9 children (aged up to 14).
Durationr: 2 hours.
Booking required. Departs from the entrance to the Lower Castle. In the event of poor weather, the tour will be replaced by a guided visit to the Lower Castle.
Info and bookings: Associazione Pro Marostica Ph. 042472127



Visitors can choose from the mediaeval setting of the Old Town, or the nature of the hills, in beautifully appointed facilities with fine views, where they will receive a warm, friendly welcome.
Discover the accommodations
Discover the fine local food, with traditional dishes and flavours from the piedmont area, on a stimulating, surprising food and wine journey.
Taste the products